Are you looking to work with a sex therapist to improve your sexual experiences, address sexual concerns or dysfunction, or simply learn more about yourself and your sexuality?
Sex therapy sessions may be embedded in long-term depth psychology (psychotherapy) treatment, they may be an adjunct to your therapy you are already engaged in with your own psychologist or psychotherapist (separate from Dr. Renye), or they may be a short-term stand-alone treatment (with Dr. Renye) that may span from 1-10 treatment sessions. Sometimes folx receive sexual therapy as part of their depth counseling already occurring. These sexual therapy sessions are based in a talk-therapy modality utilizing eastern philosophy and western psychology sex therapy techniques. Having received her Master Degree in Human Sexuality from the accredited program through Widener University (formerly housed through UPENN), Dr. Renye is a certified sexologist through the American College of Sexologists, The American Board of Sexology, AASECT certified sex therapist and SSSS. The focus of her Masters level research was Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Spirituality: The Treatment of Addictions and Eating Disorders. She has deepened her human sexuality study, research and practice in India, Bali, South Korea and the Netherlands.
Dr. Renye offers sexual therapy counselling consultations to other psychologists, masters level therapists and licensed social workers about cases in their practice.
This isn’t just about sex.
On the contrary! Through mind, body and soul integration your wellness and life experience can be enhanced. We tend to live in our heads and in our own minds (disembodied). It’s not only culturally acceptable, it’s practically culturally mandated. You may need to do this for work, because it’s “safer” or because that’s just how you have operated for many years and you’ve gotten by so far. But this type of existence leaves lots of yearning for more. It leaves a deep feeling, and sometimes subtle but lingering, sense of not-quite-right-ness. One way a lot of people attempt to reconnect their overworked minds with their bodies is through sex.
But it is about expression and pleasure.
Sexuality and sexual expression can be fun, pleasurable, and something excitedly anticipated. It can also, at times, be frustrating and confusing or feel stale, uninteresting or contrived. Through understanding the connection between the body (soma) and the mind (psyche), and even understanding that they are actually not separate at all, you can have a more enriched living experience.
What about specific issues?
As a Sex Therapist and Sexologist, Dr. Renye has vast experience working with a diverse and wide range of people and concerns that span genders, age groups, class, and race. She has worked with sexual therapy concerns of Vaginismus, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Delayed Ejaculation, Hypo and Hyper arousal concerns (to name a few).
At Widener University, she completed 30 hours of Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR) as part of her master's program in Human Sexuality. This intensive experience played a pivotal role in shaping her approach to sex therapy, fostering a deep sense of empathy, self-awareness, and cultural competence. SAR taught her to hold a nonjudgmental space for all sexual expressions, enabling me to guide clients through their unique journeys with sensitivity and understanding. This foundation continues to inform my practice, ensuring that she provides compassionate and effective support for those navigating the complexities of sexual identity and relationships.
Dr. Renye has worked in the field for over 20 years with a variety of individuals, couples and groups. She have worked with traditional couples, creatively designed relationships, sexual dysfunction, fetishes and kinks, tantra, role play, and decoupling. Finding a sex therapist who is a good fit for your needs is important so please take the time and attention needed to do so.
Sex Therapy, Holistic Sex Positive Coaching and Sexuality Mapping
Certified as a sexologist through the American College of Sexologists, Dr. Denise offers sex therapy embedded into a long term depth psychotherapy, brief (short term) sex therapy, and sex therapy sessions in conjunction while you continue working with your current psychologist. Dr. Denise also offers holistic coaching sessions and classes as an action-oriented tool box for individuals and those in relationship (whatever the creative design is).
Sex-Positive Consulting, Education and Coaching
Mixed messages that split us from our sexuality is one of the most common things we are taught as children and adults. Dr. Denise utilizes a sex-positive and embodiment philosophy approach to sessions. This allows for a non-judgmental, compassionate and understanding approach, wherein the joys of sexuality are held as important, together with responsibility.
Dwelling in our Bodies: A Mindfulness Program for Sex Workers
6-week Program
In this program you will learn mindfulness techniques and exercises. The program is geared towards and tailored for both beginning practitioners of mindfulness meditation as well as those who already have a practice and want to deepen their practice as well as connect with others who are like minded. Yoga therapy and yoga techniques of breathwork are integrated as part of this program. No mindfulness meditation experience necessary.
This program is for self identified sex workers. This includes people who have sex for money, have private websites, work for another website, peepshow work, work in porn stores, work phone sex lines, do bodywork and massage, fetish workers, tantrikas, work at a sex club, work for porn companies, etc.
Sexuality Mapping
Explore the patterns that have unconsciously been creating your life. These patterns have been a long time in the making. They are your own, as well as those you have inherited from your culture and family lineage intergenerationally. The energies of your family’s views on, traumas of, and misunderstandings of sexuality live within you. Through this program, you dive deep into your internal landscape and know that you get to make different choices going forward. As more understanding of epigenetics is published, we have a greater awareness based in science of how we relive the patterning passed down to us by our ancestors. This year long program allows for you to simultaneously, organically and systematically delve deep into what has happened so that you can choose consciously going forward.
This is a year long reflection and action oriented program.
The Intimate Couple
12 Week Program
This is a program for partners, teaching tips and techniques for reaching new levels of connection, intimacy in relationship and sex exploring sensual and sexual excitement through body awakening. Deepen your awareness of pleasure. Learn to understand the subtleties of body awareness and sensuality. Take your intimacy to a higher level through exercises, practices of communication skills and somatic experience. This 8 week program is for all sexual orientations and gender expressions as well as relationship designs.
Women's Psychedelic Integration Circle: Focus on Sexuality
6 week program
Women exploring their internal landscapes through the use of psychedelic medicines is raising the consciousness of the planet. Whether this exploration was recent or in the past, in a circle, individually or with a partner, having a space to weave the insights from the alternate states of consciousness into everyday life is key. Oftentimes themes of sexuality and sensuality may arise during ceremonial context or directly in ceremony. This space is for integration of these themes more specifically.
This Integration Circle is designed for women who have had a psychedelic experience and desire a space to process and allow the seeds that were planted then to bloom now. Psychedelic experiences need and take time to integrate into the psyche and the spirit. This circle will meet on Zoom video.
Note: This group does not promote the use of any illegal substances or activity.
“We see the other with the eye of the heart, an eye not clouded by fear manifesting as need, jealousy, possessiveness, or manipulation. With the unclouded eye of the heart, we can see the other as other. We can rejoice in the other, challenge the other, and embrace the other without losing our own center or taking anything away from the other. We are always other to each other — soul meeting soul, the body awakened with joy. To love unconditionally requires no contracts, bargains, or agreements. Love exists in the moment-to-moment flux of life.”
Coaching and consultation is not a psychological service. If I identify mental disorder, I will refer you to a licensed mental health professional.