Blog and Articles
A new blog, on average, is published about 3-8x a month, tending to offer ideas and perspectives on psychological aspects of current events, an introduction or deepening of how Dr. Denise Renye works with people, and some practices you can do blending psychology, sexology, spirituality, embodiment and art.
Press publications and mentions can be found here.
Notice to readers
These articles are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, coaching or therapy. Seeking the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition is imperative. Do not disregard professional psychological or medical advice. Do not delay in the seeking of professional advice or treatment because of something you have read here.
The Delicate Nature of Relationships
So how do we learn to both hold and release? It starts with deep self-awareness. We must examine our own fears, our attachment patterns, and the ways in which we seek to control love rather than experience it. We must also cultivate trust—both in ourselves and in the people we care about.
This balance isn’t always easy. Sometimes, it means letting go of expectations. Sometimes, it means allowing space for silence, uncertainty, or distance. And sometimes, it means acknowledging when love is no longer aligned and releasing it with grace.
The most fulfilling relationships are not the ones where we lose ourselves, but the ones where we are found—fully, freely, and without constraint. The delicate nature of love is that it cannot be owned, only experienced. And in learning how to hold and set free at the same time, we may discover the deepest, most enduring connections of all.
How to Create the Relationship You Want
Sometimes it may feel that society says here is the “right” way to be in a relationship and here is the “wrong” way. As an online sex therapist, let me assure you that every relationship is unique and shaped by the people involved and the kind of connection they seek. There is no single “right” way to be in a relationship, only what feels right for you.
The Hidden Link between Erectile Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance
They could be dissociated from their bodies after years of intensely focused academic study, climbing the corporate ladder, or using their minds to develop the latest advanced technology to change the world. They have learned not to listen to their bodies and are unable to decipher the messages their bodies are sending. That disconnection can impact them in and out of the bedroom.
How to Prioritize Self-Care as a Therapist in Challenging Times
Uncertainty and challenges can amplify stress and emotional fatigue, making it even more crucial to lean into what nourishes us, whether that’s time in nature, creative expression, or moments of stillness. By tending to ourselves with the same compassion we offer our clients, we sustain our ability to show up fully, with clarity and presence, even in the midst of the unknown.
My Duty to Do No Harm as a Psychologist, Sex Therapist, and Yoga Therapist
It is my ethical duty to do no harm and to support the well-being, safety, and autonomy of all individuals, especially those who are being targeted and oppressed. Practically speaking, it means continuing to offer care to trans folx in my role as a psychologist, online sex therapist, and yoga therapist. I hold space for whatever my students, clients, and patients are feeling and support them however, they need – including having a healthy, satisfying sex life.
The Psychology of an Underdog Victory: Why the Eagles' Super Bowl Win Mattered Beyond Football
This victory wasn’t just about a team winning a championship; it was about a city reclaiming its sense of worth. It was about every person who has ever felt underestimated realizing that their story isn’t over. That no matter how many times they’ve been told they can’t, there is always the possibility that they can.
And that’s exactly why I do what I do. Because I believe in the parts of people that have been counted out. The parts that are waiting to rise. The ones that have been told they are too broken, too far gone, or too much to handle. The ones who have internalized the idea that they are destined to struggle. But just like Philly, just like the Eagles, they are capable of rewriting their story. And when they start to believe that—even for a moment—everything changes.
What parts of you are waiting to rise?
Couples Therapy: Why It’s Not Just for When Things Go Wrong
Sometimes it may feel that society says here is the “right” way to be in a relationship and here is the “wrong” way. As an online sex therapist, let me assure you that every relationship is unique and shaped by the people involved and the kind of connection they seek. There is no single “right” way to be in a relationship, only what feels right for you.
How I Use Tantra in My Couples Work as an Online Sex Therapist
You can read more about tantra here but for couples therapy and in my couples coaching programs, I emphasize that it’s about the integration and harmonization of polarities and opposites. This involves recognizing and reconciling dualities such as light and dark, masculine and feminine, and heaven and Earth. It seeks to transcend these dualities to reach a higher state of consciousness and unity of nonduality.
What Retraumatization Is and How to Heal From It
This is because “Trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body," to quote Dr. Janina Fisher, a renowned trauma specialist and psychologist, who I’ve studied with. There’s an imprint, mark, or scar from trauma if it’s left untreated. It doesn’t just “go away” and when the brain connects current stressors to prior unresolved traumas, that’s called “retraumatization.”
Where Is Relationship Surrogacy Legal? Insights for Therapists and Clients
As someone deeply committed to providing ethical and effective support for clients addressing intimacy and relationship challenges, I see surrogate partner therapy as a valuable tool in the right context. However, it’s critical to approach this work with an understanding of the legal and cultural landscape. By fostering collaboration, transparency, and adherence to ethical guidelines, practitioners can help ensure that this practice remains a viable and beneficial option for those who need it most.
In addition to my clinical practice, I also offer clinical consultation for clinicians who are part of a tripartite team on a surrogacy case. Having a consultation can be especially helpful if you are early in your career offering this type of work clinically. Complex cases and ethical dilemmas can feel overwhelming without support, and consultation provides clarity, fresh perspectives, and the confidence to grow as a practitioner.
Honoring Dr. King's Legacy Through Film
Dr. King’s legacy also invites us to examine the interplay of shadow and light, concepts central to Carl Jung’s framework of psychology. The shadow represents the repressed and unacknowledged parts of ourselves and the collective unconscious, including biases, systemic oppression, and the fear of change that fueled opposition to the Civil Rights Movement. This fear is fueled by witnessing patterns of division, systemic inequality, and violence resurface, echoing the struggles of the Civil Rights era
Why I’m Offering Free EMDR to LA Fire Survivors
EMDR is a highly effective, evidence-based approach designed to help people reprocess traumatic memories and move toward a place of emotional resilience and recovery. Unlike conventional therapy, EMDR does not require extensive discussion, which makes it especially effective for LA wildfire survivors who are still processing the ongoing disaster. They won’t need to deeply explore their feelings or what happened during each session.
Mentoring Clinicians: The Importance of Supervision and Consultation
I see supervision as a structured and essential part of a clinician’s early career, while consultation is a valuable resource for ongoing professional development. Both roles allow me to support fellow clinicians in their journeys, emphasizing the importance of ethical practice, continuous learning, and reflective engagement in our work.
Eye gazing for Beginners
What you’re doing as you eye gaze is slowing down, which can feel challenging in a society that encourages moving at warp speed. Eye gazing with yourself or another cultivates patience, listening, inquiring, and learning about the person you see in an unhurried and respectful way. All of that can lead to a healthier, more satisfying, and intimate relationship. Are you ready to try eye gazing? If so, read through my tips as an experienced online sex therapist.
How Acceptance Can Transform Challenging Relationships
As a licensed psychologist and sex therapist, I work with couples and individuals to improve their relationships with themselves and others. Acceptance is a cornerstone of resilience in challenging relationships. Whether the difficulty stems from differences in values, past hurts, or communication barriers, the ability to accept another person—flaws and all—creates the foundation for authentic connection and personal growth. Acceptance does not mean resignation or condoning harmful behavior; rather, it is an acknowledgment of reality as it is, without unnecessary resistance or futile attempts to control what cannot be changed.
Speaking Desire: Marin County Sex Therapist Reveals How to Navigate Sex with Injury, Disability
For someone with an injury or disability, sexual encounters can bring physical, emotional, and psychological complexities that require open communication to ensure safety, comfort, and pleasure. It’s perfectly reasonable to raise those complexities with your partner(s) because again, sex is about pleasure for everyone involved. People are not mind-readers and that means communicating what works and what doesn’t is paramount. That might mean not only expressing what feels good and what doesn’t, but also something specific such as a change in position, additional time, the need to adjust tempo or amount of lube, or specific forms of touch.
How to Let Things Go
Letting go is not about forgetting or dismissing what has shaped us, but rather about making space for growth, healing, and new possibilities. It is a courageous act of self-compassion, requiring us to release what no longer serves us so we can embrace the fullness of our present and future. Though the process may be uncomfortable or even painful at times, it is also profoundly freeing, offering us the chance to reclaim our energy and refocus on what truly matters. By practicing the art of letting go, we step closer to a life of clarity, balance, and peace, where we can fully inhabit the person we are becoming.
Online Sex Therapist Reviews film ‘The Substance’
The Substance is steeped in commentary on the relentless societal obsession with women’s appearances. The transformations induced by the substance amplify these pressures, making the characters’ bodies sites of both fascination and horror. Moore’s character struggles with losing control over her body and identity, which reflects the anxiety many women feel about their autonomy in a world that demands physical perfection.
How to Prioritize Self-Care During the Holiday Season
It's in therapy where raw and potentially confusing experiences are metabolized so they become understandable and usable. The therapist is there, with you, supporting you to process what has happened in your life, whether it was when you were a child, an adolescent, or an adult. That means you’re viewing what happened in a different way and perhaps for the first time feeling feelings that up until now remained unfelt.
Clash of Eras: Tyson, Paul, and Cultural Psychology
What were your thoughts on this fight? Was Paul using Tyson for clout? Was Tyson using the fight as a way to prove to himself that he has experienced ego death at yet another new level? What did you think of Tyson’s full on acceptance and shamelessness around his glove biting/oral fixation?