Posts in EMDR
Unresolved Trauma and Its Impact on Current Relationships: A Perspective from Marin County EMDR therapist

Trauma, whether emotional or physical, leaves an indelible mark on the psyche. Emotional abuse can include verbal attacks, emotional manipulation, and neglect of emotional needs. Physical abuse encompasses acts of violence or physical harm, while neglect involves the failure to meet basic emotional and physical needs. When these experiences remain unresolved, they create deep-seated fears and defensive mechanisms that can persist into adulthood. These fears often include anxiety about pain, abandonment, and rejection—experiences that were once life-threatening or profoundly hurtful.

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The Challenges of Being a Partner During Gender Transition

If you’re navigating the complexities of being a partner during a gender transition and need support, I’m here to help. As a sex therapist, I specialize in guiding individuals and couples through these challenging times. Reach out here to set up an appointment.

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Addiction is a Trauma Response, Marin County Psychologist Says

In my work as a Marin County psychologist, I take a trauma-informed approach to addiction treatment that creates a supportive and non-judgmental environment. I approach addiction with compassion and this can help reduce the shame and stigma often associated with both trauma and addiction. This encourages individuals to seek help and engage more fully in the therapeutic process.

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How EMDR Can Promote Sexual Healing

Sexuality and relationship issues often stem from past experiences that have left emotional scars or negative beliefs about one’s self and others. EMDR facilitates the reprocessing of these memories, helping individuals to integrate positive and adaptive information, and desensitize the emotional charge associated with past traumas. In the realm of sexuality, EMDR can assist individuals in overcoming inhibitions, shame, or negative self-perceptions that may hinder their healthy sexual expression.

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