Blog and Articles
A new blog, on average, is published about 3-8x a month, tending to offer ideas and perspectives on psychological aspects of current events, an introduction or deepening of how Dr. Denise Renye works with people, and some practices you can do blending psychology, sexology, spirituality, embodiment and art.
Press publications and mentions can be found here.
NOTICE TO readers
These articles are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, coaching or therapy. Seeking the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition is imperative. Do not disregard professional psychological or medical advice. Do not delay in the seeking of professional advice or treatment because of something you have read here.
Sexuality without Integrity is Dangerous
It’s vital that we each take radical responsibility for our own selves, use language properly, and have integrity around our sexuality because otherwise, someone’s life could be at stake, sometimes literally.
Denying Racism is a Form of Gaslighting
The history of the police also plays into the narrative we’re witnessing right now – a desire to maintain order and concern for property more than black and brown lives. We see this not only in curfews and the response from police departments to use tear gas and rubber bullets on activists,