Blog and Articles

A new blog, on average, is published about 3-8x a month, tending to offer ideas and perspectives on psychological aspects of current events, an introduction or deepening of how Dr. Denise Renye works with people, and some practices you can do blending psychology, sexology, spirituality, embodiment and art.

Press publications and mentions can be found here.

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These articles are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, coaching or therapy. Seeking the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition is imperative. Do not disregard professional psychological or medical advice. Do not delay in the seeking of professional advice or treatment because of something you have read here.

Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye

Defying Ageism: Being Beautiful at Any Age

Under patriarchy, traditional men are given power and it’s taken away from women, nonbinary folx, and “girly” men. Also under patriarchy, the status quo is upheld such that traditional ways of thinking, acting, and being are prized while new ways are not. What this translates to is men who display what are perceived as “feminine” traits like sensitivity, vulnerability, and care are less valued under patriarchy and discriminated against.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

Embracing the Divine Feminine: A Catalyst for Productivity and Profit in Busin

In the competitive world of business, success is often measured by productivity and bottom-line results. While traditional business models have typically focused on masculine-driven qualities such as competition, efficiency, and hierarchy, there is a growing recognition of the positive impact that acknowledging and embracing the Divine Feminine can have on business outcomes.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

Synergies Unveiled: Psychedelics and the Divine Feminine in Tech

In my private practice, I have witnessed a recurring theme among individuals from the tech industry who are subconsciously yearning for a deeper connection. They are intrigued by the possibilities psychedelics may hold for them. They seem to yearn for something beyond their daily interactions with screens and metrics. I suspect what they are really yearning for is a dance with the divine feminine.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

The Similarities Between Vulva Gazing and the Labyrinth

Similar to traversing a labyrinth, vulva gazing looks simple but it’s not easy, especially at the beginning of cultivating the practice. Many thoughts and feelings may arise such as disgust, apprehension, surprise, curiosity, cultural messages, and internalized misogyny. Yet it’s also the case for people with the aforementioned parts, the vulva is the center of them, their core, their innermost being. Seeing themselves with a hand mirror can be a profound and sacred experience. The vulva can be a portal to a realm beyond the mundane. The vagina and vulva are where life is birthed through and while in some ways birth is mundane as it happens every day, it’s also a transcendent experience.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

The Modern-Day Witch Hunt in Iran

Over and over again, the patriarchy tries to disenfranchise women and other minorities. Who the minority groups are varies from country to country, but regardless, those in power wish to remain in power and as we’re seeing, they’ll do anything to stay in that position. Including detaining thousands of protestors and executing those who dare to defy their authority.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

Embracing Your Sexuality is Multifaceted

Frankly, sexy is very much in the eye of the beholder and not preordained, but I digress. For people who hold this belief that they aren’t sexy, there’s often fear and terror around their own sexuality – both exploring it and deepening it. However, that’s exactly what’s required to shift the paradigm of the patriarchy.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

Hear Women Roar

The divine feminine is not only about bodily sovereignty, it’s about sovereignty period. Did you know the practice of a woman taking her husband’s last name is a vestige of a law that dates back to the 11th century? Sometime after the Norman Conquest, the Normans introduced the idea of “coverture” to the English, which asserted that after she married, a woman’s identity was “covered” by her husband. From the moment of her marriage, a woman was known as a “feme covert” or covered woman. She became “one” with her husband. Her identity was erased and she could not own property or enter into contracts on their own. Husbands had complete control over their wives, legally and financially.

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