Posts tagged sexism
Exploring Subconscious Gender Biases: Unveiling Internalized Misogyny

Learning you perpetuate misogyny may stir up some emotions but please don’t let this be something else you beat yourself up about. It’s not your fault. Our society operates with a hatred of women and has operated with this hatred for centuries. It’s hard not to be affected by it. However, by even acknowledging it’s there, you’re working to unravel the cultural hex that seems to have been placed upon us all and you’re contributing to the rising divine feminine. Doing so results in a better world for us all.

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Why Therapy is Not Just Navel Gazing

To answer that question, I think it’s important to understand what happens in therapy. First, the therapeutic relationship is unique and special. The therapeutic relationship itself is where and how healing happens. For some, a therapist is the first or perhaps only secure attachment figure in their life. A secure attachment figure is someone who provides a safe physical and emotional environment for interaction. They are people clients can count on, someone they can express their innermost thoughts to, a person that holds space for feelings and processing feelings without shame, blame, or judgment.

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