Posts tagged sexual assault survivor
Reconciling When People Do Things that are ‘Out of Character’

It can be hard to reconcile the image you have of a person with who they really are. We all do this and psychologists have a term for it: cognitive bias. There’s a lot of information coming at us all the time and the brain likes to make shortcuts. A bias helps us make sense of the world and reach decisions with relative speed. However, it also means we can discard information that doesn’t prop up our view of reality or a person, which is known as confirmation bias.

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Sexual Anxiety? Try Meditation

Sexual anxiety is a common issue that affects many people, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, including performance anxiety, past trauma, or negative self-talk. Anxiety can significantly impact one's sexual experience, leading to difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection, premature ejaculation, or difficulty reaching orgasm. However, meditation is a powerful tool that can help decrease anxiety during sex and improve overall sexual well-being.

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What’s Your Relationship with Sex?

Because everyone is so different from one another, sex can look a certain way on the outside and feel differently on the inside for each person. That is why good communication is extremely important, even if the person you’re having sex with is yourself. Doing so will help you build a better relationship with yourself and with others, if you choose to involve them in sex.

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