Blog and Articles
A new blog, on average, is published about 3-8x a month, tending to offer ideas and perspectives on psychological aspects of current events, an introduction or deepening of how Dr. Denise Renye works with people, and some practices you can do blending psychology, sexology, spirituality, embodiment and art.
Press publications and mentions can be found here.
NOTICE TO readers
These articles are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, coaching or therapy. Seeking the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition is imperative. Do not disregard professional psychological or medical advice. Do not delay in the seeking of professional advice or treatment because of something you have read here.
Why I’m Offering Free EMDR to LA Fire Survivors
EMDR is a highly effective, evidence-based approach designed to help people reprocess traumatic memories and move toward a place of emotional resilience and recovery. Unlike conventional therapy, EMDR does not require extensive discussion, which makes it especially effective for LA wildfire survivors who are still processing the ongoing disaster. They won’t need to deeply explore their feelings or what happened during each session.
Recognizing Emotional Availability: Expert Insights from a Bay Area Sex Therapist
As I mentioned earlier, everyone makes mistakes and screws up. Conflict is a normal part of every relationship so the question is not if there’s conflict but rather what happens when there’s conflict. In fact, if there is no conflict that may give you pause. Consider what’s not being addressed. An emotionally available person addresses conflicts directly and constructively. They are open to compromise and finding solutions together. If it upsets you when they leave their bathroom towel on the floor, they’ll talk to you about it and figure out a solution collaboratively that works for both of you.
How Deepfakes Affect Relationships
Consent is the crucial element in this discussion. None of these women and girls (because deepfake pornography is also being created about young girls) said “yes” to having their faces splashed across the internet engaging in sexual acts. In an era where privacy is increasingly compromised, the ability to obtain someone's image or voice without their knowledge and then manipulate it for malicious purposes poses a serious threat. These women, because it’s almost exclusively women, are victimized by the unauthorized use of their likeness, leading to emotional distress and strain on their relationships.
How EMDR Can Promote Sexual Healing
Sexuality and relationship issues often stem from past experiences that have left emotional scars or negative beliefs about one’s self and others. EMDR facilitates the reprocessing of these memories, helping individuals to integrate positive and adaptive information, and desensitize the emotional charge associated with past traumas. In the realm of sexuality, EMDR can assist individuals in overcoming inhibitions, shame, or negative self-perceptions that may hinder their healthy sexual expression.
Accessing Resilience from Adversity
You can be the parent you needed and perhaps didn’t get. While you can’t rewrite history, you can heal by giving yourself a “do-over.” You can reimagine an upsetting situation and provide a different outcome. This form of active imagination may work wonders because the body doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. When you imagine a different outcome for yourself, you are essentially reliving the experience and rewiring your brain to think about it in a new way.
An Invitation as You Navigate the Israel-Palestine Conflict
When you approach someone from a place of curiosity and understanding, they become less of a monster and more of a human. It’s your choice who you connect with right now. You don’t have to cultivate empathy for other people but I encourage you to embrace nuance. Recognize the conflict in the Middle East is complicated and layered. The temptation to sort yourself into a group is very strong right now but, in the end, we’re all just humans, no matter what group we belong to.
The Appeal of Astrology and Human Design: Exploring Their Role in Coping with Unresolved Trauma
Trauma can disrupt an individual's life story, making it difficult to find meaning or purpose. Astrology and human design present a narrative framework that weaves together past experiences, present circumstances, and future possibilities. By incorporating these belief systems into their healing journey, individuals can create a cohesive narrative of their lives, which can serve as a catalyst for growth, transformation, and resolution of trauma. It is crucial to recognize that they are not substitutes for professional therapeutic interventions when dealing with unresolved trauma. It is advisable to seek the guidance of mental health professional.
The Link Between Perimenopause and Anxiety
However, one does not necessarily cause the other. Some women go through perimenopause without anxiety or depression. Biology is only one factor, there are others such as life stressors, economic insecurity, racism, past trauma, and many more that may also contribute to the development of anxiety in women during this time of life.
Trauma Response or Procrastination? How to Tell the Difference
Many people deal with wanting to put off tasks that are hard, physically and emotionally. Perhaps you are at a job that you don’t really enjoy but stay because it’s financially advantageous. If you find yourself putting tasks off until tomorrow (or the next day…or the next day) and you have had traumatic events or relationships in your life, it may be hard to discern if the avoidance of a task is procrastination or a trauma response. Both trauma response of freeze and procrastination can involve avoidance behavior, but they have different underlying causes and motivations.
What Exactly is PTSD though?
As a trauma-informed practice, we work with many folx who have experienced trauma. Sometimes this may result in a diagnosis of PTSD. This can feel very stigmatizing for some patients, while others feel freed by finally having a name for what is happening within them. Yet others may feel all sort of things in between. We hear PTSD on the regular these days. But what exactly is it?
Addiction Recovery and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy: What you Need to Know
The medical profession is becoming increasingly interested in using psychedelics for deeper healing and given the resurgence in the West (note that using psychedelics for healing has been practiced indigenously for millennia), it’s no wonder people from all backgrounds, including those in recovery from addiction, are curious whether psychedelics can help them.
The Hidden form of Incest: Enmeshment
Some folx grew up too soon and were forced to be adults before they were ready. This happens for a variety of reasons and one of those reasons is covert incest, also known as enmeshment. Enmeshment occurs when a parent or caregiver looks to their child for emotional support and psychological validation. In other words, there aren’t strong boundaries within the family. And those strong boundaries are necessary for the safety of the child. They are also necessary for the safety of the parent’s psyche but the child’s psyche is really negatively affected.
The Alchemy of Acceptance
When you practice acceptance, you’re no longer focusing outward. You’re no longer trying to change, fix, or control other people and situations so you can feel happy, fulfilled, peaceful, or whatever it is you think will happen if only they did XYZ or if ABC looked different. Instead, you’re keeping the focus on yourself and asking what you can do right now, given these circumstances and these people, to feel the way you want to feel.
Hypervigilance and How it Thwarts Pleasure
Some people may go along with something sexual in order to people please, to make sure the other person doesn’t get angry with them, feel disappointed, become upset or whatever it is they’re afraid will happen. The person is “fawning” and not engaging in the sexual activity because it’s pleasing or pleasurable to them, rather, they’re doing it for the other person.
A Constant in Life: The Breath
The breath is ever present. Always here as a constant in our lives. When we feel lost, we can come back to our breath. It is a guide for us. A tool to go inward. A tool to then go outward from a centered place.
The Pitfall of Psychedelic Apps
Ideally, there needs to be someone present who is trained in trauma-informed work, the human psyche, somatic-oriented understanding of the human experience, and psychedelics. This person would know how to hold the depths of the realms that people go to, and someone to adequately conduct in-depth integration after the psychedelic journey.
How the Body Processes Trauma
However the body wants to respond, I encourage you to listen. The body has its own wisdom so let whatever wants to occur, occur.
Using ‘Sexuality Mapping’ to Heal
I created a technique about 15 years ago called “Sexuality Mapping” as a way of working with a person’s sexuality and sexualness in order to potentially heal trauma by gaining a deeper understanding of their sexual past so that going forward they can make choices in alignment with who they really are.