Posts tagged divine masculine
The Absence of the Divine Feminine in Western Medicine

The absence of the divine feminine in Western medicine is a pressing issue that deserves careful consideration. Addressing the demanding work hours, prioritizing the well-being of healthcare providers, and respecting the inner being of medical students are crucial steps toward creating a more holistic and compassionate healthcare system. By acknowledging the toxic elements of the patriarchy that have seeped into medicine and embracing the qualities of the divine feminine, we can move toward a more balanced and nurturing approach to healthcare—one that values both the health of the provider and the well-being of the patient.

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Envy Among Women: A Symptom of Patriarchy

One of the most pervasive ways in which the patriarchy fuels envy among women is through the imposition of unattainable beauty standards. The media and advertising industries often present a narrow and idealized image of beauty, leading women to feel envious of those who seemingly conform to these standards. Envy arises when women perceive themselves as falling short, either in terms of physical appearance or the resources required to achieve it, such as access to expensive beauty products or cosmetic procedures.

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Expressing Masculinity in a Healthy Way

It's important to recognize that these qualities exist on a spectrum, and no one person embodies all of them perfectly. Additionally, the concept of the divine masculine is not meant to promote traditional gender roles or stereotypes but rather to emphasize that these qualities are part of the human experience and can be cultivated by anyone, regardless of their gender identity. Balancing these qualities with the qualities associated with the divine feminine can lead to a more holistic and integrated sense of self. To live a fully integrated, whole-person kind of life, we all need both of these energies.

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Embracing the Divine Feminine: A Catalyst for Productivity and Profit in Business

In the competitive world of business, success is often measured by productivity and bottom-line results. While traditional business models have typically focused on masculine-driven qualities such as competition, efficiency, and hierarchy, there is a growing recognition of the positive impact that acknowledging and embracing the Divine Feminine can have on business outcomes.

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Understanding the Divine Feminine: A Path to Growth and Balance for Men

Deepening the understanding the Divine Feminine and how it can offer men a profound opportunity for personal growth and transformation can be a simple (yet not easy) way to life a more full spectrum life. By embracing these qualities and energies, men can develop greater emotional intelligence, balance, and self-acceptance.

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Exploring Subconscious Gender Biases: Unveiling Internalized Misogyny

Learning you perpetuate misogyny may stir up some emotions but please don’t let this be something else you beat yourself up about. It’s not your fault. Our society operates with a hatred of women and has operated with this hatred for centuries. It’s hard not to be affected by it. However, by even acknowledging it’s there, you’re working to unravel the cultural hex that seems to have been placed upon us all and you’re contributing to the rising divine feminine. Doing so results in a better world for us all.

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The Similarities Between Vulva Gazing and the Labyrinth

Similar to traversing a labyrinth, vulva gazing looks simple but it’s not easy, especially at the beginning of cultivating the practice. Many thoughts and feelings may arise such as disgust, apprehension, surprise, curiosity, cultural messages, and internalized misogyny. Yet it’s also the case for people with the aforementioned parts, the vulva is the center of them, their core, their innermost being. Seeing themselves with a hand mirror can be a profound and sacred experience. The vulva can be a portal to a realm beyond the mundane. The vagina and vulva are where life is birthed through and while in some ways birth is mundane as it happens every day, it’s also a transcendent experience.

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Fairytales, What do they Teach Us?

Fairytales have been a popular form of literature for centuries, and they often are challenging to understand through a modern feminist lens. It seems that there are plenty of issues with how the characters loose themselves in the relationship, the traditional gender roles, and the lack of autonomy for all of the characters. However, fairytales contain archetypal themes and symbols that reflect universal human experiences and can give deep insight into the inner psychology of ourselves.

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