Posts tagged marin premarital counseling
Addiction is a Trauma Response, Marin County Psychologist Says

In my work as a Marin County psychologist, I take a trauma-informed approach to addiction treatment that creates a supportive and non-judgmental environment. I approach addiction with compassion and this can help reduce the shame and stigma often associated with both trauma and addiction. This encourages individuals to seek help and engage more fully in the therapeutic process.

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How to Add More Intimacy to Your Sex Life

The key to a more intimate sex life is open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to explore and connect with your partner on multiple levels. It's important to understand each other's needs and desires and to create an environment that encourages trust and vulnerability. 

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Deeper Connections: Further Insights on Emotional Availability from a Bay Area Sex Therapist

Identifying the traits of an emotionally available person can help you assess a potential or current partner and also demonstrate where either or both of you could use some support. Emotional availability is a spectrum whereby some people are more available than others. In other words, every person can become more emotionally available, if they choose. And if they do, I bet they’ll find deeper and more meaningful connections.

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Highlighting Carol Doda: A Sexual Pioneer and Courageous Entertainer

I want you to think about it for a minute – this is before webcams, before OnlyFans, before all of it. Women couldn’t even get credit cards in their own name before 1974 and here Doda was dancing topless before a crowd. And it wasn’t merely titillation for its own sake (although that’s fine too), she crafted a sophisticated performance. She did comedy, sang, pulled people up on stage with her, and had them undress her. Her performance was designed to appeal to a diverse audience, including couples who sought a novel form of entertainment. She offered a space where couples could explore and celebrate their sexuality openly and without shame.

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Bay Area Sex Therapist Reveals Why Marriage Has Evolved

Gone are the days when marriage meant being with someone solely for the sake of fulfilling societal expectations or securing financial stability. Now people seek partners who offer emotional availability, understanding, and support. They desire relationships built on mutual respect, shared values, and a sense of partnership. They want companions who enhance their lives and share their journeys. People want a partner who listens with empathy, communicates openly, and demonstrates emotional maturity. It’s part of the reason I’ve seen an uptick in requests for premarital counseling – modern couples recognize marriage takes effort and they want to enter their marriage with as many tools in their toolbox as possible.

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