Blog and Articles

A new blog, on average, is published about 3-8x a month, tending to offer ideas and perspectives on psychological aspects of current events, an introduction or deepening of how Dr. Denise Renye works with people, and some practices you can do blending psychology, sexology, spirituality, embodiment and art.

Press publications and mentions can be found here.

NOTICE TO readers

These articles are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, coaching or therapy. Seeking the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition is imperative. Do not disregard professional psychological or medical advice. Do not delay in the seeking of professional advice or treatment because of something you have read here.

Denise Renye Denise Renye

Listening Within to Silence

Listening within to the silence is a powerful practice that can help us connect with our inner selves and gain a deeper understanding of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. In a world that is often noisy and chaotic, taking the time to listen to the silence can be a transformative experience that can bring peace, clarity, and insight into our lives.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye


Initiation is often accompanied by rituals and ceremonies that mark the transition from one stage of life to another. These rituals serve as a way of acknowledging the individual's growth and transformation and provide a sense of community and belonging. In many cultures, initiation is a collective process, with the community playing an active role in supporting the individual through their journey.

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An Orgasm is Perhaps Not What You Think It Is

Sexuality consists of five circles, which means it’s not limited to one body part in another body part. Sexuality is also flirting, touch, fantasy, sexual identity, and health, and, perhaps above all, a psychological state of being. So no, it’s not just about body parts. And even then, don’t discount the various ways sex can be performed be it oral, mutual masturbation, and digital, to name just a few ways of expression!

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

From Pioneers to Popularity: My Journey in the Field of Psychedelic Science and Therapy

I care deeply about the topic and integrity of the field of psychedelic science, therapy, and research and continue to work as a teaching assistant and mentor groups. I provide didactic material around the clinical application of the academic material learned in class as well as how to network and collaborate with other professionals that may be beneficial to their career and the field of psychedelic science overall.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

Cancer and Sexuality

It is important to study women's sexual health because women have unique pleasure and health needs that differ from those of men. These issues are multifaceted and include sexual pleasure, menstrual understanding, sexual expression and communication, pregnancy-related curiosities and concerns, and menopausal transitions. Women's sexual health is not only essential for their physical well-being but also for their mental and emotional health because they are connected.

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Denise Renye Denise Renye

The Link Between Perimenopause and Anxiety

However, one does not necessarily cause the other. Some women go through perimenopause without anxiety or depression. Biology is only one factor, there are others such as life stressors, economic insecurity, racism, past trauma, and many more that may also contribute to the development of anxiety in women during this time of life.

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Sex Therapy Denise Renye Sex Therapy Denise Renye

To Open Your Marriage...or Not

Ultimately, the decision to open up a marriage should be based on mutual respect, honesty, and a commitment to each other's well-being. If you and your partner are able to approach the idea of non-monogamy with an open and honest mindset, and if you are both genuinely interested in exploring this type of relationship, it can be a positive and fulfilling experience. However, if either of you are approaching the idea of an open marriage from a place of fear, avoidance, or dishonesty, it may be wise to seek the help of a qualified therapist or counselor to work through these issues before taking any further steps.

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Psychology and Spirituality Denise Renye Psychology and Spirituality Denise Renye

Fairytales, What do they Teach Us?

Fairytales have been a popular form of literature for centuries, and they often are challenging to understand through a modern feminist lens. It seems that there are plenty of issues with how the characters loose themselves in the relationship, the traditional gender roles, and the lack of autonomy for all of the characters. However, fairytales contain archetypal themes and symbols that reflect universal human experiences and can give deep insight into the inner psychology of ourselves.

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Sex Therapy, Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye Sex Therapy, Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye

Meaningful Relationships in Hook Up Culture

Finding a meaningful relationship in hookup culture can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By being clear about what you want, avoiding casual hookups, taking things slow, looking for like-minded individuals, being patient, open, and honest, and putting yourself out there, you can increase your chances of finding a meaningful relationship.

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Want more Sexual Pleasure?

Emotional safety plays a crucial role in sexual pleasure. When we feel emotionally safe with our partner, we are more likely to be open, vulnerable, and willing to explore our desires and fantasies. When we trust our partner, we can let go of any inhibitions and fully immerse ourselves in the moment, leading to a more intense and fulfilling sexual experience.

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Sexual Anxiety? Try Meditation

Sexual anxiety is a common issue that affects many people, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, including performance anxiety, past trauma, or negative self-talk. Anxiety can significantly impact one's sexual experience, leading to difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection, premature ejaculation, or difficulty reaching orgasm. However, meditation is a powerful tool that can help decrease anxiety during sex and improve overall sexual well-being.

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Psychedelics Denise Renye Psychedelics Denise Renye

Psychedelic Therapy, William James, and the Understanding of Consciousness

William James’ ideas about consciousness and the nature of the mind have important implications for the field of psychedelic therapy. By emphasizing the dynamic and holistic nature of consciousness, the role of emotions in perception and decision-making, and the close relationship between mind and body, James’ work can help us better understand the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances.

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Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye

The Clitoris: Much More Than the Tip of the Iceberg

This lack of focus and knowledge can create a lot of issues for those with clitorises.  Psychologically, there is a message put forth that there’s less importance on these bodies, that women overall are less important, and that can affect self-esteem, confidence, and a general sense of embodiment. This is changing but/and the change is so very slow. It’s important to talk about the issues for people with clitorises, understand it, and have deeper knowledge of the vulva, vagina, and clitoris. Normalizing pleasure is key to a sense of embodiment.

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Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye

Female Orgasms and Unrealistic Expectations

For folx who have sex with people with clitorises, it’s important that they realize vaginal penetration alone may not cut it, and as with all satisfying sex, communication is key. At Whole Person Integration, we say bring consciousness back to the bedroom. Communicate wants and desires. But also explore…and explore widely, vastly, and wildly…if you so desire. You may have “tried and true” methods of coming but part of the fun with sex is learning new forms of pleasure. What else can you try? The answer may surprise you.

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Sex Therapy, Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye Sex Therapy, Sexuality, Sexology Denise Renye

The Orgasm Gap

The orgasm gap is what it sounds like – when engaging in sexual activities that result in an orgasm, one individual or group consistently achieves an orgasm more than another. One study found the breakdown is like so:


·      95% of heterosexual men experience orgasm during intercourse

·      89% of gay men

·      88% of bisexual men

·      86% of lesbians

·      66% of bisexual women

·      65% of straight women

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Sex Therapy, Trauma Healing Denise Renye Sex Therapy, Trauma Healing Denise Renye

Trauma Response or Procrastination? How to Tell the Difference

Many people deal with wanting to put off tasks that are hard, physically and emotionally. Perhaps you are at a job that you don’t really enjoy but stay because it’s financially advantageous. If you find yourself putting tasks off until tomorrow (or the next day…or the next day) and you have had traumatic events or relationships in your life, it may be hard to discern if the avoidance of a task is procrastination or a trauma response. Both trauma response of freeze and procrastination can involve avoidance behavior, but they have different underlying causes and motivations.

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Trauma Healing Denise Renye Trauma Healing Denise Renye

What Exactly is PTSD though?

As a trauma-informed practice, we work with many folx who have experienced trauma. Sometimes this may result in a diagnosis of PTSD. This can feel very stigmatizing for some patients, while others feel freed by finally having a name for what is happening within them. Yet others may feel all sort of things in between. We hear PTSD on the regular these days. But what exactly is it?

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Anxiety: What’s it all About?

The common response to, “I’m so nervous about this date/job interview/meeting,” is, “Don’t be nervous. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Does hearing that actually work? Does someone saying, “Don’t be nervous,” stop you from feeling nervous? Probably not. In fact, sometimes it exacerbates it. Sharing our fears with friends often doesn’t result in the anxiety dissipating. It’s through no fault of their own, rather they aren’t trained to handle anxiety. But there’s good news…therapists are!

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Body, What Do You Want to do Today?

Because bodies don’t come with instruction manuals, how the heck are you supposed to know what yours wants?!? Simple: You ask. It may seem like a foreign concept to talk to your body, but the body is ready and waiting for you to talk with it, to consult it. After all, it is an integral part of you. And, it is already communicating with you, even if you aren’t sure how to interpret its messages. Listening to the body, from the inside, and learning what it needs and wants is a skill that takes practice.

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