Posts tagged maring couples therapy
The Erasure of Bisexuality and Why It Matters

Promoting bisexual visibility is essential. Positive representation in media, literature, and public discourse can help normalize bisexuality and provide role models for those struggling with their identity. By seeing their experiences reflected and validated, bisexual individuals can gain the confidence to embrace their true selves.

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Corporate Sponsorship vs. Genuine Support During Pride

LGBTQIA+ organizations must maintain their autonomy and grassroots connections while engaging with corporate partners thoughtfully. Consumers, in turn, can support businesses that demonstrate genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion beyond Pride Month. Far too many, like Target, are fair-weather friends.

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Addiction is a Trauma Response, Marin County Psychologist Says

In my work as a Marin County psychologist, I take a trauma-informed approach to addiction treatment that creates a supportive and non-judgmental environment. I approach addiction with compassion and this can help reduce the shame and stigma often associated with both trauma and addiction. This encourages individuals to seek help and engage more fully in the therapeutic process.

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Two Powerful Themes for Pride Month: Solidarity and Progress

Pride and “Kinky Boots” demonstrate how everyone’s liberation is bound up with everyone else’s because the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights is intertwined with broader struggles for social justice and economic democracy. Celebrating Pride means honoring alliances and the progress achieved. It also means acknowledging the ongoing challenges and continuing to advocate for equality and acceptance for all people.

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Navigating Intimacy: Finding the Right Sex Therapist for You

Finding the right sex therapist is a pivotal step towards reclaiming agency and fulfillment in matters of intimacy. By prioritizing specialization, compatibility, therapeutic approach, experience, ongoing education, and logistical considerations, you can identify a therapist who empowers you to navigate the complexities of sexuality with confidence and resilience. Remember, the journey towards sexual well-being is a collaborative endeavor, and with the right therapist by your side, transformation is within reach.

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How to Add More Intimacy to Your Sex Life

The key to a more intimate sex life is open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to explore and connect with your partner on multiple levels. It's important to understand each other's needs and desires and to create an environment that encourages trust and vulnerability. 

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Deeper Connections: Further Insights on Emotional Availability from a Bay Area Sex Therapist

Identifying the traits of an emotionally available person can help you assess a potential or current partner and also demonstrate where either or both of you could use some support. Emotional availability is a spectrum whereby some people are more available than others. In other words, every person can become more emotionally available, if they choose. And if they do, I bet they’ll find deeper and more meaningful connections.

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Recognizing Emotional Availability: Expert Insights from a Bay Area Sex Therapist

As I mentioned earlier, everyone makes mistakes and screws up. Conflict is a normal part of every relationship so the question is not if there’s conflict but rather what happens when there’s conflict. In fact, if there is no conflict that may give  you pause. Consider  what’s not being addressed. An emotionally available person addresses conflicts directly and constructively. They are open to compromise and finding solutions together. If it upsets you when they leave their bathroom towel on the floor, they’ll talk to you about it and figure out a solution collaboratively that works for both of you.   

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